In 1998, the Anschutz Medical Campus completed a master plan that focused on the "campus in the prairie." This included getting all institutions up and running, and organizing academic, clinical and research uses around open space. Today, as we work on our updated master plan, the goals have greatly shifted to accommodate previous and future growth. We want to develop a "campus within a health sciences city." A place where all institutions (hospitals, university, city and other stakeholders) are integrated into a thriving community.
The planning team is focused on the public realm and the CHARACTER of each piece of the larger site. We want to enhance the pedestrian experience of our site, develop a sense of place, and create an identity based on a more urban, integrated, technological community. Similar to form-based zoning, we established several site-wide character zones based on existing physical layout, ratio of green space to building space, building heights, etc. This will dictate future physical patterns and contribute to a larger site-wide character.
A map of the character zones is attached below. This is a DRAFT, and meant for generating ideas.
Character Zones:
C-1 Natural Zone - Areas for storm water, and pre-existing natural areas
C-2 Academic Village - Includes pedestrian-friendly environment with cohesive civic spaces,
quadrangles, etc. Memorable public spaces.
C-3 Urban Zone - Includes medium mixed-use, wide sidewalks, and buildings set close to sidewalks
C-4 Downtown Plaza - Includes high density, mixed-use development near large plazas. Live/work
community. "City within a city."
C-5 Patient Zone - Includes large setbacks, bounded by arterial, and allows for large,
interconnected development
C-6 Special Zones - Includes pre-existing development constraints
What do you think of these?
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