Thursday, March 14, 2013


We would like your feedback on existing roadway systems and your experience getting to and around campus.  We welcome any comments but below are some suggested topics. Add a comment with your response.
  1. Are there any roads on campus that you avoid? If so, why?
  2. Are there any roads on campus that you prefer? If so, why?
  3. What would you think if 17th Avenue was opened from Quentin Street to Victor Street?


  1. I avoid Victor Street at Montview due to construction. It is difficult to go straight down Victor towards Fitzsimons Parkway without a wait.

  2. Montview and Victor are dangerous to walk across. Cars don't stop.

  3. Everything should be restructured so that front streets (streets closest to Colfax) are only utilized by ambulances, patients and visitors, side streets(streets running North/South) are used for employee parking and delivery's, and back streets (furthest from colfax) are used for commuting in and out of campus from the highway and for transit between buildings, or for other parking lots. The interior of the campus should be sanctuary for pedestrians and small carts and bicycles only. If you look at my post about parking lots, we can have a system where people and cars don't cross for the access to main buildings and parking lots.
