Thursday, May 9, 2013

What has changed?

In 1998, the Anschutz Medical Campus completed a master plan that focused on the "campus in the prairie."  This included getting all institutions up and running, and organizing academic, clinical and research uses around open space.  Today, as we work on our updated master plan, the goals have greatly shifted to accommodate previous and future growth.  We want to develop a "campus within a health sciences city."  A place where all institutions (hospitals, university, city and other stakeholders) are integrated into a thriving community.

The planning team is focused on the public realm and the CHARACTER of each piece of the larger site.  We want to enhance the pedestrian experience of our site, develop a sense of place, and create an identity based on a more urban, integrated, technological community. Similar to form-based zoning, we established several site-wide character zones based on existing physical layout, ratio of green space to building space, building heights, etc.  This will dictate future physical patterns and contribute to a larger site-wide character. 

A map of the character zones is attached below.  This is a DRAFT, and meant for generating ideas. 

Character Zones: 
C-1  Natural Zone - Areas for storm water, and pre-existing natural areas
C-2  Academic Village - Includes pedestrian-friendly environment with cohesive civic spaces,
        quadrangles, etc. Memorable public spaces.
C-3  Urban Zone -  Includes medium mixed-use, wide sidewalks, and buildings set close to sidewalks
C-4  Downtown Plaza - Includes high density, mixed-use development near large plazas.  Live/work
        community. "City within a city."
C-5  Patient Zone -   Includes large setbacks, bounded by arterial, and allows for large,
        interconnected development
C-6  Special Zones - Includes pre-existing development constraints

What do you think of these? 

Monday, April 15, 2013

In-Process Concept Plan

The planning team now has a IN-PROCESS CONCEPT PLAN for you to check out!  This plan was created based on feedback from all campus and site-wide stakeholders.  This includes the University, University of Colorado Hospital, Children's Hospital Colorado, City of Aurora, Fitzsimons Redevelopment Authority (FRA), and University Physicians, Inc. (UPI).  The planning team compiled ideas and comments from each group to come up with a 10-YEAR CONCEPT PLAN. See below for some diagrams outlining some main concepts.

Tell us what you think...Do you have other ideas or comments? We  will use your comments to develop a preliminary preferred plan.

Add a comment at the bottom of this post.  We have drawings below that show pedestrian networks, roadway ideas, shuttle ideas and parking scenarios.  You can comment on any or all of them!

Pedestrian Connections - Connecting north and south portions of the site, adding pedestrian corridor at 19th Place, and enhancing streets to include sidewalks, trees, pedestrian lighting. Will connect FRA lands to campus and encourage integration of uses.
Roadways- Opening 17th Avenue to traffic to alleviate congestion in other parts of campus.  17th will also offer shuttles that runs east-west for hospital/research use. Also connections to city grid and northern part of site for better connectivity.
Shuttle - Possible shuttle running north-south from satellite lot for students and employees. Also shuttle along opened 17th Avenue for clinical and research use.  Especially for better patient transportation.


Parking  - Including a low-cost satellite parking lot in the northern part of the site to accommodate students and employees.


Monday, March 18, 2013


    We would like your feedback on campus parking. We welcome any comments but some suggested topics are below. Add a comment with your response. Click on the comment link below or select the parking topic on the right hand side of the screen.

    1. How easy and/or difficult is it to find parking on the Anschutz Medical Campus?
    2. How far are you willing to walk from parking space to destination?

    Thursday, March 14, 2013


    We would like your feedback on existing pedestrian and bicycle paths.  We welcome any comments but some suggested topics are below.  Add a comment with your response.
    1. Does the current campus accommodate cyclists? Why or why not?
    2. Does the current campus accommodate pedestrians?  Why or why not?
    3. What are your experiences as a pedestrian?
    4. What are your experiences as a cyclist?

    Open Space

    We would like your feedback on campus open space systems, and your experience using these spaces. We welcome any comments but some suggested topics are below.  Add a comment with your response.
    1. Do you have a favorite outdoor space on campus? If so, where and why?
    2. Do you use campus green space for relaxation (passive uses), or for athletic uses, ie. sports (active uses)?
    3. Do you think our campus could use more passive or active green space? If so, where and why?


    We would like your feedback on existing roadway systems and your experience getting to and around campus.  We welcome any comments but below are some suggested topics. Add a comment with your response.
    1. Are there any roads on campus that you avoid? If so, why?
    2. Are there any roads on campus that you prefer? If so, why?
    3. What would you think if 17th Avenue was opened from Quentin Street to Victor Street?


    We would like your feedback on campus amenities.  We welcome any comments but some suggested topics are below.  Add a comment with your response.

    1. What are your thoughts on current on-campus amenities (food, etc.)?
    2. What are your thoughts on nearby amenities (ie. Colfax and Peoria)? Are these convenient?


    We would like your feedback on existing transit options (bus routes, etc.) as well as your thoughts on the future light rail.  We welcome any comments, and some suggested topics are below. Add a comment with your response.

    1. Would you be willing to take a free shuttle to campus if there was an off-site parking lot with reduced  parking rates?
    2. How do you think the light rail will change our campus?
    3. Will you take the light rail to campus when it opens in 2016?
    4. What would you think of a frequent shuttle along 17th Avenue that connected clinical, research and academic uses (both hospitals with CU Anschutz)?

    Wednesday, March 13, 2013

    Open Forum March 19-20, 2013

    It's almost here.  The first Master Plan Open Forum is set for March 19 - 20, 2013.  We will bring several ideas formed by our consultants for student, faculty and staff review.  We want YOUR COMMENTS on any of these ideas.  The first Open Forum will take place on March 19, from 12:00-1:30pm in the food court, Building 500.   The second Open Forum will focus on neighborhood and site-wide ideas.  It will take place at Paris Elementary School on March 20th from 6-7:30pm. All thoughts will be compiled into a final design scenario for both Site-Wide and Anschutz Medical Campus Master Plans.

    The team has been hard at work.  Now we need your input.

    Wednesday, January 30, 2013


    Welcome to the Office of Institutional Planning's new blog. We will post questions relating to the Anschutz Medical Campus and Site-Wide Master Plan this spring.  This is a great way to gather ideas and suggestions.  Check back often, and look for specific questions on facebook. Stay tuned - open forums begin in March.